Today was the Maple Syrup Open House at Forest Glen park. The park holds this event each spring where they demonstrate how they make maple syrup and have a pancake dinner. I’ve run at Forest Glen four or five times this winter so I’ve been looking forward to this event for a while. When I told Melissa about it she was very excited, so we just had to go. And since my parents live somewhat near the park, and they love pancakes, we invited them to come along as well.
Melissa and I arrived a little early so we could get a short hike in before the pancakes. First we hiked to the observation tower.

Next, we continued on the path down the hill towards the Vermillion River. We passed the beloved backpack trail on the way. The water in the river seemed high and fast-moving.

Noon was approaching, and this was the time we agreed to meet my parents for pancakes, so we hiked back up the hill and drove over to the Maple Syrup Open House area. We got in line a few minutes after noon. My parents arrived shortly thereafter. We were having a good time, but we couldn’t help but notice the line wasn’t moving very quickly.

It took us right at two hours to reach the front of the line, get our pancakes, and sit down to eat (what became) a late lunch. The pancakes were good. The syrup was good. I’m not quite sure it was worth waiting two hours in line, but at least the weather was beautiful.
After lunch Melissa & I walked a short distance to the recreated pioneer homestead, where the syrup was made. They collected sap from 400 or so maple trees in the park all winter. Then they heat it up to evaporate away most of the water, leaving just the sugary syrup behind.

it was nice and i am glad we went, but i am not sure that standing in a line waiting 2 hours for pancakes is something i would do again (especially while pregnant).
The Vermillion was high. I work in rivers, and we launch from time to time from the ramp you took that picture from. Btw, the observation tower is awesome! Thanks for reading, and good luck in the Illinois Marathon!
Beautiful day!
Delicious Pancakes!
Wonderful company!
Land-o-Lakes, Maple Syrup, Pancakes, Am I sensing a theme.