Photo of the Day

Hmm. I must have done something wrong here. First it was a week in California with no running. Then I sort of injured my foot slightly and it took about two more weeks before I could run again. The good news is I’m running again. The less good news is that this is the worst time of year to be running. I’ll probably stick to running once or twice per week to maintain my fitness until it cools down in the fall. It’s cycling season anyway.
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 109.05 Mile | 10 | 10.905 Mile |
February | 76.18 Mile | 8 | 9.5225 Mile |
March | 84.86 Mile | 10 | 8.486 Mile |
April | 83.15 Mile | 9 | 9.23889 Mile |
May | 57.95 Mile | 7 | 8.27857 Mile |
June | 17.98 Mile | 3 | 5.99333 Mile |
Total | 429.17 Mile | 47 | 9.13128 Mile |
I did a fair amount of cycling in California, which was great. I also did the Illinois State championship road race (O’Fallon) and criterium (Peoria). I had not results worth mentioning, but I was happy with my performance in both races.
June 2010 Cycling by bike
Bike | Distance | # Rides | Avg per Ride |
Bianchi | 31.6 Mile | 7 | 4.51429 Mile |
Big Red | 12. Mile | 3 | 4. Mile |
Lynskey | 15.95 Mile | 1 | 15.95 Mile |
Pocket Rocket | 113.62 Mile | 5 | 22.724 Mile |
Thundercougarfalconbird | 274.8 Mile | 6 | 45.8 Mile |
Total | 447.97 Mile | 22 | 20.3623 Mile |
January-June 2010 Cycling by bike
Bike | Distance | # Rides | Avg per Ride |
Bianchi | 260.6 Mile | 38 | 6.85789 Mile |
Big Red | 49.4 Mile | 8 | 6.175 Mile |
El Fuego | 40.9 Mile | 11 | 3.71818 Mile |
Lynskey | 31.8 Mile | 2 | 15.9 Mile |
Pocket Rocket | 214.74 Mile | 9 | 23.86 Mile |
Thundercougarfalconbird | 1439.97 Mile | 42 | 34.285 Mile |
Total | 2037.41 Mile | 110 | 18.5219 Mile |
2010 Cycling by month
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 166.25 Mile | 20 | 8.3125 Mile |
February | 140.67 Mile | 12 | 11.7225 Mile |
March | 508.83 Mile | 18 | 28.2683 Mile |
April | 318.98 Mile | 13 | 24.5369 Mile |
May | 365.89 Mile | 20 | 18.2945 Mile |
June | 447.97 Mile | 22 | 20.3623 Mile |
Total | 1948.59 Mile | 105 | 18.558 Mile |
We did a lot of walking in San Francisco, which helped bring my Moon Walk total up to 500 “miles” (also includes miles converted from running & cycling). Hey, the Buffalo finished first again this year, and I didn’t have the lowest total on the team :)
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 28.66 Mile | 9 | 3.18444 Mile |
February | 51.45 Mile | 16 | 3.21563 Mile |
March | 34.7 Mile | 10 | 3.47 Mile |
April | 44.35 Mile | 11 | 4.03182 Mile |
May | 48.75 Mile | 14 | 3.48214 Mile |
June | 64.2 Mile | 16 | 4.0125 Mile |
Total | 272.11 Mile | 76 | 3.58039 Mile |