October Stats

Hey, I turned 32 (0x20, 25). Melissa was kind enough to build me a cake, which William promptly devoured. Okay, I helped devour it too.


Photo of the Day


Skippo start

Well, I’ve been feeling better and better about my running for several months now and I finally took the leap from running 2-3 times per week and started running 3-4 times a week. Now, you may ask how could I run four times per week if there are seven days in a week and my cardinal rule is to not run on two consecutive days? There’s no funny math here, I’m simply breaking my cardinal rule for the first time since my knee surgery in 2004. So far it’s been great. It’s possible I could come to both rue and lament that decision, but I’ve been feeling good enough lately that I probably won’t.

The net affect of this change is that my mileage shot way, way up. 144 miles in one month doesn’t seem like much to me for some reason, particularly considering I regularly ran 75 miles per week when I was 18. But back then I ran every day. It’s kind of remarkable (even to me) that (on average) I ran 8.5 miles on 17 separate occasions.

I had a couple of decent races, both times finishing behind the same person. Perhaps I need to start training with that guy.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 109.05 Mile 10 10.905 Mile
February 76.18 Mile 8 9.5225 Mile
March 84.86 Mile 10 8.486 Mile
April 83.15 Mile 9 9.23889 Mile
May 57.95 Mile 7 8.27857 Mile
June 17.98 Mile 3 5.99333 Mile
July 54.62 Mile 8 6.8275 Mile
August 65.78 Mile 9 7.30889 Mile
September 107.4 Mile 13 8.26154 Mile
October 144.087 Mile 17 8.47573 Mile
Total 801.057 Mile 94 8.52189 Mile


Bubba Cross #3 Women's Race

It’s pretty rare that my cycling mileage would go up in October. I got in a few good long hard rides with my friends Nick and Mike and I also did a couple of the Big Shark rides. So despite the stupid traffic I’m managing to get some riding in… perhaps not as much as in Champaign-Urbana, but the rides I am doing are on more difficult terrain.

I did one cyclocross race that was okay, but not great. I hope to do a few more before the season ends.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 59.13 Mile 9 6.57 Mile
Pocket Rocket 24.4 Mile 5 4.88 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 219.76 Mile 5 43.952 Mile
Total 303.29 Mile 19 15.9626 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 166.25 Mile 20 8.3125 Mile
February 140.67 Mile 12 11.7225 Mile
March 508.83 Mile 18 28.2683 Mile
April 318.98 Mile 13 24.5369 Mile
May 365.89 Mile 20 18.2945 Mile
June 447.97 Mile 22 20.3623 Mile
July 390.59 Mile 19 20.5574 Mile
August 223. Mile 15 14.8667 Mile
September 146.5 Mile 17 8.61765 Mile
October 303.29 Mile 19 15.9626 Mile
Total 3011.97 Mile 175 17.2113 Mile



It’s not too cold yet, and the boy still loves going for walks.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 28.66 Mile 9 3.18444 Mile
February 51.45 Mile 16 3.21563 Mile
March 34.7 Mile 10 3.47 Mile
April 44.35 Mile 11 4.03182 Mile
May 48.75 Mile 14 3.48214 Mile
June 64.2 Mile 16 4.0125 Mile
July 56.3 Mile 15 3.75333 Mile
August 56.75 Mile 16 3.54688 Mile
September 28.84 Mile 7 4.12 Mile
October 32.1 Mile 12 2.675 Mile
Total 446.1 Mile 126 3.54048 Mile


My baby takes the morning train

That’s right, I broke the scooter back out. Mostly this is simply due to logistics of getting William to and from daycare. Sometimes I run him there in the morning and leave the stroller there while I finish my run. Then when I pick him up in the evening I can’t take the bike because I need to bring the jogging stroller home. So a few times I’ve ridden the scooter to daycare (it’s almost entirely downhill or flat) then walk back with Will in the stroller and the scooter in the stroller’s storage area.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 0 0 0
February 0 0 0
March 0 0 0
April 0 0 0
May 0 0 0
June 0 0 0
July 0 0 0
August 1.8 Mile 1 1.8 Mile
September 0 0 0
October 10.1 Mile 5 2.02 Mile
Total 11.9 Mile 6 1.98333 Mile

Inline skating

That’s right, I got a pair of inline skates for my birthday. Why not try something new to mix things up? Well, after numerous laps back and forth on my street I finally got up the nerve to venture out of the neighborhood and across the WUSTL campus. I didn’t fall down, and I didn’t hurt myself… at least one of which I half expected.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 0 0 0
February 0 0 0
March 0 0 0
April 0 0 0
May 0 0 0
June 0 0 0
July 0 0 0
August 0 0 0
September 0 0 0
October 2 Mile 1 2 Mile
Total 2 Mile 1 2 Mile