August Stats

Okay, so this is a little late, but I have a good excuse. We have moved and we’re getting settled in to our new house in St. Louis.

In addition to everything else that was going on, I was foolish enough to migrate all my training log data for the past 10 years into a completely new software system. Right before we left Champaign-Urbana I wrote some scripts to convert all my old data into the new format. Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to updating the scripts I use to generate these monthly reports so I was unable to do this August report at the end of August. Now, a month and a half later, I finally updated that code and, well, here we are.

Photo of the Day

August 2010 Photo of the Day

It was a real struggle to keep this going during the two weeks we were staying in the hotel, but I somehow pulled it off… mostly by taking crappy photos.


First lap

The running actually picked up a little in August. I tried to hit as many group (Second Wind & Buffalo) runs as I could, thinking each one could be my last. I also had a fun time racing at the Danville High School alumni cross country meet the day we left for St. Louis.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 109.05 Mile 10 10.905 Mile
February 76.18 Mile 8 9.5225 Mile
March 84.86 Mile 10 8.486 Mile
April 83.15 Mile 9 9.23889 Mile
May 57.95 Mile 7 8.27857 Mile
June 17.98 Mile 3 5.99333 Mile
July 54.62 Mile 8 6.8275 Mile
August 65.78 Mile 9 7.30889 Mile
Total 656.97 Mile 77 8.53208 Mile


Three strollers and a bike

I had a few groups rides early in the month when I somehow wasn’t packing (don’t tell Melissa). Later in the month I mostly rode around St. Louis with Will in the Burley.

August 2010 by bike

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 15.2 Mile 4 3.8 Mile
Pocket Rocket 80.05 Mile 8 10.0063 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 127.75 Mile 3 42.5833 Mile
Total 223. Mile 15 14.8667 Mile

January – August 2010

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 166.25 Mile 20 8.3125 Mile
February 140.67 Mile 12 11.7225 Mile
March 508.83 Mile 18 28.2683 Mile
April 318.98 Mile 13 24.5369 Mile
May 365.89 Mile 20 18.2945 Mile
June 447.97 Mile 22 20.3623 Mile
July 390.59 Mile 19 20.5574 Mile
August 223. Mile 15 14.8667 Mile
Total 2708.68 Mile 156 17.3633 Mile


Guys hiking

Will & I walked a lot of miles in St. Louis.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 28.66 Mile 9 3.18444 Mile
February 51.45 Mile 16 3.21563 Mile
March 34.7 Mile 10 3.47 Mile
April 44.35 Mile 11 4.03182 Mile
May 48.75 Mile 14 3.48214 Mile
June 64.2 Mile 16 4.0125 Mile
July 56.3 Mile 15 3.75333 Mile
August 56.75 Mile 16 3.54688 Mile
Total 414. Mile 114 3.63158 Mile