April 2011

Photo of the Day

April 2011


I had a minor setback involving a few weeks off from running after a foolish 14-miler with a lot of pain in the last two miles. Now I’m back at it and running pain free again.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
Total 149.77 Mile 26 5.76038 Mile

Running 2011 4


After nearly two months off the bike I can now ride again without knee pain. I ride Will to daycare a few times per week and we sometimes ride the tandem (Big Red) to the playground on the weekends.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 11.4 Mile 3 3.8 Mile
Big Red 10.6 Mile 2 5.3 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 9.75 Mile 1 9.75 Mile
Total 31.75 Mile 6 5.29167 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
April 31.75 Mile 6 5.29167 Mile
Total 70.07 Mile 11 6.37 Mile

Cycling 2011 4


We still walk either to or from daycare almost everyday.


Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
Total 272.2 Mile 80 3.4025 Mile

Walking 2011 4

One thought on “April 2011”

  1. Nice to see you back on the bike, Rob! A zero-emissions toddler? I don’t think I have ever met one. ;-)

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