(Simpsons episode 5F04)
Bart: Wow, I wish I had an elephant!
Lisa: You did, his name was Stampy, you loved him.
Bart: Oh yeah…

I rode home from work last night on the same route I ride every night when I noticed an unusual smell near the University of Illinois Assembly Hall. I looked over to my right and there were two elephants being hosed down in the parking lot about 20 meters away from me. That explains the smell. It appears the circus has come to town.
ELEPHANTS IN TOWN!!!!!!! Now that is a HEADLINE FOR SURE!!!! Right up there with WE’RE HAVING AN EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!! Wonder if there is a CONNECTION?? HMMMMMM,, GOOD photo!!! Do you and Meli plan to take in the CIRCUS???? hugs , nan
It plays CDs automatically, and it has three distinct varieties of inane chatter.
DJ 3000
Hey, hey. How about that weather out there?
Woah! _That_ was the caller from hell.
Well, hot dog! We have a weiner.
I’ve added “elephant” to the list of Strange Animals We’ve Seen While Biking or Running.