When we returned to the U.S. last August I purchased one of the greatest things, the Jimi. The Jimi is the “wallet for people who hate wallets.” It’s a fabulous, tiny, semi-waterproof, plastic wallet that’s just big enough to hold identification, credit card, insurance card, and a couple bills. Tack on a key chain containing the only keys one ever needs (home, office, bike lock), and you’re good to go. It fits nicely into a bike jersey pocket, and it doesn’t matter if it gets sweaty (I sweat more than any other human).
Wherever I go I get comments on it, like “That’s a neat wallet.” My typical response is, “It keeps me from carrying too much crap around.”

For the past few months it hasn’t been closing all the way along the sides. More recently the plastic hinges on both sides started to rip. There’s not much left to them. It would probably last another week before completely falling apart.

Thankfully, I ordered a new one and it just arrived today. Hopefully this new one will last me another year before giving up the ghost.
How COOL is that??? Now that you have your NEW jimi, you’re ready to hit the road for sure!!!! Is that all you will need to take to NIC???????? hugs,, nan
Hey that top wallet picture looks like mine. “jimi’s pretty sweet on you”