Photo of the Day

The top searches that led to my blog in May:
- dahon helios [xl]
- my name is rob (or: rob is my name)
- bike friday pocket rocket
- mathematica 8 (again, doesn’t exist and I’ve never mentioned it)
- iPhone camera remote
- highest point in PA
- camel clutch

Most of my training and racing efforts in May were geared toward running. I raced four weekends in a row (sprint triathlon, 5K, marathon, 5K), all of which were quite successful. Now comes the time of year (i.e. the heat of summer) when I scale back my running and work more on cycling and swimming.
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 109.34 Mile | 10 | 10.934 Mile |
February | 55.83 Mile | 7 | 7.97571 Mile |
March | 108.792 Mile | 10 | 10.8792 Mile |
April | 74.85 Mile | 8 | 9.35625 Mile |
May | 64.5669 Mile | 9 | 7.1741 Mile |
Total | 413.378 Mile | 44 | 9.39496 Mile |

I did no cycling races (aside from the triathlon) and only a little training in May. My bike mileage was half of what it was in May of last year and I’m a good 800 miles behind where I was last year at this point. I’ve completely given up two of my four/five weekly training rides from last year to spend more time with the family.
Having said that, I’m doing surprisingly well on the bike. I think it’s mostly my running fitness carrying over and making up (slightly) for my lack of training miles.
May 2009
Bike | Distance | # Rides | Avg per Ride |
Bianchi | 48. Mile | 12 | 4. Mile |
Big Red | 3.2 Mile | 1 | 3.2 Mile |
El Fuego | 14.5 Mile | 2 | 7.25 Mile |
Pocket Rocket | 7.2 Mile | 2 | 3.6 Mile |
Thundercougarfalconbird | 274.93 Mile | 7 | 39.2757 Mile |
Total | 347.83 Mile | 24 | 14.4929 Mile |
January-May 2009
Bike | Distance | # Rides | Avg per Ride |
Bianchi | 300. Mile | 64 | 4.6875 Mile |
Big Red | 7.17 Mile | 3 | 2.39 Mile |
El Fuego | 54.42 Mile | 7 | 7.77429 Mile |
Pocket Rocket | 120.93 Mile | 25 | 4.8372 Mile |
Thundercougarfalconbird | 1027.65 Mile | 24 | 42.8188 Mile |
Total | 1510.17 Mile | 123 | 12.2778 Mile |
The spring session of Masters Swimming ended with another practice meet. I dropped my 500 yard freestyle time from 7:10 at the last meet to 6:48 at this meet.
After a couple weeks of little-to-no swimming the summer session of Masters Swimming started up and it has been going well so far. The morning schedule works out better for me (i.e. doesn’t conflict with group run and/or bike workouts), so I may be swimming as many as four times per week (rather than two times per week throughout the school year).
This bodes well for my chances at the Olympic distance triathlon(s) this summer. This category of race is more swim-heavy than other distances. Between July and September of last year I dropped my 1500 meter swim split from 28+ minutes to 25+ minutes, and I’m already doing much better than that so far this season. It’s conceivable I could swim four minutes faster, bike the same time, and run one minute faster at this year’s Evergreen Tri, knocking five minutes off my time from last year. I would be extremely pleased with that.
Month | Distance | # Workouts | Avg per Workout |
January | 1.87452 Kilo Meter | 3 | 0.62484 Kilo Meter |
February | 14.9504 Kilo Meter | 6 | 2.49174 Kilo Meter |
March | 19.5224 Kilo Meter | 7 | 2.78892 Kilo Meter |
April | 13.3502 Kilo Meter | 6 | 2.22504 Kilo Meter |
May | 12.7806 Kilo Meter | 7 | 1.82579 Kilo Meter |
Total | 64.7782 Kilo Meter | 30 | 2.15927 Kilo Meter |