August 2015


The Diamond

Longs Peak (14,259 ft)

Cow on trail

Horsetooth summit

August was a big month, but just shy of July. I took a bit of time to recover from the Never Summer 100K and on a whim I did a couple of short fast races. By the end of the month I was in full blown preparation for the Black Squirrel Half Marathon.

Month Workouts Total Dist Avg Dist Total Ascent Avg Ascent
January 27 274.15 miles 10.15 miles 34486.2 feet 1277.27 feet
February 10 86.31 miles 8.63 miles 12141.1 feet 1214.11 feet
March 12 57.27 miles 4.77 miles 12320.9 feet 1026.74 feet
April 12 96.01 miles 8. miles 14028.9 feet 1169.07 feet
May 17 128.92 miles 7.58 miles 19814.3 feet 1165.55 feet
June 15 183.07 miles 12.2 miles 28361.2 feet 1890.75 feet
July 24 281.46 miles 11.73 miles 43619.1 feet 1817.46 feet
August 26 252.57 miles 9.71 miles 29024.9 feet 1116.34 feet
Total 143 1359.75 miles 9.51 miles 193797. feet 1355.22 feet

Running 2015 8


Riding the Foothills Trail

I got my mountain bike back out and had a few good rides.