January – April 2012


IMG 0635

Running has been going well. Extremely well. I almost hate to admit that because it probably means I will injure myself at any moment. But hopefully not. I’ve been focusing a lot on my form as I try to transition to a forefoot strike pattern (rather than a heel-strike pattern). It’s hard to try to correct 18 years of bad form. Really hard. But I’m making progress. I ran farther in April 2012 than I did in any other month in the last 10 years, and I haven’t had a hint of knee pain. Of course, some of that has come at the expense of really sore calves on account of using different muscles that are much less well developed. I’ll take sore calves for a few hours over semi-permanent knee pain 10 times out of 10.

I found a great place to run barefoot: the glorious artificial turf on the WUSTL track infield (some people might call it a football field). Of the 146 miles I ran in April, 19 of them were completely barefoot, and some of those were pretty fast (5:32). The majority of the remaining miles were in my wonderful new Luna Sandals (yes, sandals), with the rest in my Vibram FiveFinger Bikilas, Merrell Trail Gloves, and New Balance MT 110s. I guess I have something of a shoe fetish (yet I still run barefoot). I just pick the thinnest shoes I can get away with based on the route I have in mind, and take them off whenever I can.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 78.06 Mile 9 8.67333 Mile
February 75.2586 Mile 9 8.36206 Mile
March 126.15 Mile 14 9.01071 Mile
April 146.28 Mile 16 9.1425 Mile
Total 425.749 Mile 48 8.86976 Mile

Running 2012 4



Photo by Jeff Schleicher

I’ve been a regular at the Tuesday night crits, though I did miss a couple. I’ve been lucky to get two training rides a week. Considering where I started at the beginning of this year I’ve already come a long way, but I still have a long way to go. Looking at my race results over the past year or so it’s pretty clear where my talent lies.

Single digit placings are better than double digit placings. If I want to achieve more success in cycling races I’m going to have to spend more time (which I don’t have) practicing. Or maybe blood doping.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 34. Mile 9 3.77778 Mile
El Fuego 20.04 Mile 1 20.04 Mile
Lynskey 13.64 Mile 2 6.82 Mile
Pocket Rocket 27. Mile 6 4.5 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 158.59 Mile 5 31.718 Mile
Total 253.27 Mile 23 11.0117 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 25.33 Mile 2 12.665 Mile
February 40.08 Mile 3 13.36 Mile
March 213.43 Mile 20 10.6715 Mile
April 253.27 Mile 23 11.0117 Mile
Total 532.11 Mile 48 11.0856 Mile

Cycling 2012 4


Yes, the numbers are small. I just started late in the month. What’s promising, though, is just how quickly I was able to pick this back up after months off (and if you don’t count that week in September, years off).

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 0 0 0
February 0 0 0
March 0 0 0
April 1750. Yard 2 875. Yard
Total 1750. Yard 2 875. Yard

Swimming 2012 4


Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 51.53 Mile 16 3.22063 Mile
February 42.92 Mile 18 2.38444 Mile
March 41.15 Mile 14 2.93929 Mile
April 31.89 Mile 12 2.6575 Mile
Total 167.49 Mile 60 2.7915 Mile

Walking 2012 4

December 2011

Photo of the Day

December 2011

Like 2009, and unlike 2010 where I missed three days, I managed to get a photo every day in 2011.


Trail run

I was able to recover from November’s setback, and I’ve been doing some pretty good running lately. All my long runs have been on trails, many of them with the SLUGs. The exciting news is that I registered for the Fuego Y Agua 50 km ultra-marathon on Ometepe Island in Nicaragua in February. It should be great fun, though extremely challenging. I’m not worried about the distance (31 miles!), I’ve run that kind of distance before (with less training). The two primary challenges will be the dry-season heat and the massive 4,000 ft ascent and descent of the volcano in the final 8 miles of the race.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
June 85.87 Mile 11 7.80636 Mile
July 49.47 Mile 7 7.06714 Mile
August 116.34 Mile 13 8.94923 Mile
September 82.89 Mile 12 6.9075 Mile
October 100.83 Mile 11 9.16636 Mile
November 56.36 Mile 7 8.05143 Mile
December 107.4 Mile 11 9.76364 Mile
Total 820.887 Mile 108 7.6008 Mile

Running 2011 12


I’m also back on the bike after my knee problems, though I didn’t do much training. What little time I had available for training I chose to run instead. I need to toughen up and get out on the bike in the cold more often.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Pocket Rocket 11.4 Mile 3 3.8 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 24.29 Mile 2 12.145 Mile
Total 35.69 Mile 5 7.138 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3. Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
June 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile
July 306.77 Mile 12 25.5642 Mile
August 418.39 Mile 25 16.7356 Mile
September 270.2 Mile 24 11.2583 Mile
October 321.64 Mile 15 21.4427 Mile
November 20.6 Mile 5 4.12 Mile
December 35.69 Mile 5 7.138 Mile
Total 2064.82 Mile 149 13.8579 Mile

Cycling 2011 12


On a hike

I’ve still been walking a fair amount, but I’ve also started doing a bit more hiking. One of my primary rules for dealing with my on-and-off knee issues is not running on two consecutive days. So sometimes I go hiking on the off days as a substitute. Hiking will play an important role in the Fuego Y Agua race, as most of the volcano trail is far too steep to run up.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 65.5 Mile 20 3.275 Mile
June 57.3 Mile 17 3.37059 Mile
July 23.75 Mile 12 1.97917 Mile
August 31.7 Mile 9 3.52222 Mile
September 42.2022 Mile 16 2.63764 Mile
October 44.5 Mile 16 2.78125 Mile
November 59.7 Mile 19 3.14211 Mile
December 63.46 Mile 21 3.0219 Mile
Total 660.312 Mile 210 3.14434 Mile

Walking 2011 12

November 2011

Photo of the Day

November 2011


Fitting how after I boasted how well my running was going in October that I started having problems in November. I wanted to do a long run and rather than take the time to drive 25-30 minutes to a proper trail I decided to run 18 miles in the city. On pavement. The knee pain began almost immediately after that run. I rested a week. The pain decreased. I ran again. The pain increased. I stopped running for three more weeks and things finally got better.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
June 85.87 Mile 11 7.80636 Mile
July 49.47 Mile 7 7.06714 Mile
August 116.34 Mile 13 8.94923 Mile
September 82.89 Mile 12 6.9075 Mile
October 100.83 Mile 11 9.16636 Mile
November 56.36 Mile 7 8.05143 Mile
Total 713.487 Mile 97 7.35553 Mile

Running 2011 11


The running-related knee pain also kept me from cycling.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Pocket Rocket 20.6 Mile 5 4.12 Mile
Total 20.6 Mile 5 4.12 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3. Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
June 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile
July 306.77 Mile 12 25.5642 Mile
August 418.39 Mile 25 16.7356 Mile
September 270.2 Mile 24 11.2583 Mile
October 321.64 Mile 15 21.4427 Mile
November 20.6 Mile 5 4.12 Mile
Total 2029.13 Mile 144 14.0912 Mile

Cycling 2011 11


Walking didn’t really bother my knee so much, so I tried to go and stretch it out most days.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 64. Mile 19 3.36842 Mile
June 57.3 Mile 17 3.37059 Mile
July 14.5 Mile 7 2.07143 Mile
August 31.7 Mile 9 3.52222 Mile
September 42.2022 Mile 16 2.63764 Mile
October 44.5 Mile 16 2.78125 Mile
November 56.1 Mile 18 3.11667 Mile
Total 582.502 Mile 182 3.20056 Mile

Walking 2011 11

October 2011

Photo of the Day




One race, okay. I’m ramping up the training mileage with good success. I’ve done ~45 miles each of the last two weeks with no sign of slowing down. I feel an ultra coming on.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
June 85.87 Mile 11 7.80636 Mile
July 49.47 Mile 7 7.06714 Mile
August 116.34 Mile 13 8.94923 Mile
September 82.89 Mile 12 6.9075 Mile
October 100.83 Mile 11 9.16636 Mile
Total 657.127 Mile 90 7.30141 Mile

Running 2011 10


Blast off

I did a lot of cycling mileage early in the month, less so later. I expected to do a lot of cyclocross racing, but it’s been nearly two months since I last raced.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Pocket Rocket 48.83 Mile 8 6.10375 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 269.01 Mile 6 44.835 Mile
Total 317.84 Mile 14 22.7029 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3. Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
June 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile
July 306.77 Mile 12 25.5642 Mile
August 418.39 Mile 25 16.7356 Mile
September 270.2 Mile 24 11.2583 Mile
October 321.64 Mile 15 21.4427 Mile
Total 2008.53 Mile 139 14.4499 Mile

Cycling 2011 10


Hands in pockets

Not much change.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 64. Mile 19 3.36842 Mile
June 57.3 Mile 17 3.37059 Mile
July 14.5 Mile 7 2.07143 Mile
August 31.7 Mile 9 3.52222 Mile
September 42.2022 Mile 16 2.63764 Mile
October 44.5 Mile 16 2.78125 Mile
Total 526.402 Mile 164 3.20977 Mile

Walking 2011 10

September 2011

Photo of the Day

FlickrCalendar 1


Men's start

I raced a total of seven times in September, which is more than usual, and trained a bit less. As far as running goes, I finished 4th at the Forest Park Cross Country Festival, 2nd at the Litchfield Triathlou, 2nd at the Gateway Cross Cup 4.1 mile cross country run. Not bad.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
June 85.87 Mile 11 7.80636 Mile
July 49.47 Mile 7 7.06714 Mile
August 116.34 Mile 13 8.94923 Mile
September 82.89 Mile 12 6.9075 Mile
Total 556.297 Mile 79 7.04173 Mile

Running 2011 9


It wouldn't be a St. Louis outdoor event without lots of beer

I rode quite well in two of the three Gateway Cup races I did, though didn’t finish well. At the Gateway Cross Cup I finished 4th in the Cat 4 race.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 89.4 Mile 11 8.12727 Mile
El Fuego 14.81 Mile 1 14.81 Mile
Lynskey 33.96 Mile 3 11.32 Mile
Pocket Rocket 18.2 Mile 5 3.64 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 113.83 Mile 4 28.4575 Mile
Total 270.2 Mile 24 11.2583 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
June 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile
July 306.77 Mile 12 25.5642 Mile
August 418.39 Mile 25 16.7356 Mile
September 270.2 Mile 24 11.2583 Mile
Total 1686.89 Mile 124 13.604 Mile

Cycling 2011 9


The long way home

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 64. Mile 19 3.36842 Mile
June 57.3 Mile 17 3.37059 Mile
July 14.5 Mile 7 2.07143 Mile
August 31.7 Mile 9 3.52222 Mile
September 42.2022 Mile 16 2.63764 Mile
Total 481.902 Mile 148 3.2561 Mile

Walking 2011 9


Lake Lou Yaeger

It’s been over two years, but I finally have a non-zero tally here.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 0 0 0
February 0 0 0
March 0 0 0
April 0 0 0
May 0 0 0
June 0 0 0
July 0 0 0
August 0 0 0
September 4096.81 Yard 5 819.361 Yard
Total 4096.81 Yard 5 819.361 Yard

Swimming 2011 9


Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 0 0 0
February 0 0 0
March 0 0 0
April 0 0 0
May 0 0 0
June 3. Mile 1 3. Mile
July 0 0 0
August 1.8 Mile 1 1.8 Mile
September 3.9 Mile 3 1.3 Mile
Total 8.7 Mile 5 1.74 Mile

August 2011

Photo of the Day

August 2011


1 mile into DHS alumni race

A couple good races, and lots of good training. I feel better acclimated to the heat than ever before. There’s lots of races coming up this fall I’m looking forward to.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
June 85.87 Mile 11 7.80636 Mile
July 49.47 Mile 7 7.06714 Mile
August 116.34 Mile 13 8.94923 Mile
Total 473.407 Mile 67 7.06577 Mile

Running 2011 8



I had my best ever performance in a cat 4 crit, along with lots of good practice races at Carondelet park. I’m looking forward to Gateway cup (which is a big deal around here), a series of four races this weekend, starting tonight.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 41.1 Mile 9 4.56667 Mile
Pocket Rocket 87.31 Mile 6 14.5517 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 289.98 Mile 10 28.998 Mile
Total 418.39 Mile 25 16.7356 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
June 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile
July 306.77 Mile 12 25.5642 Mile
August 418.39 Mile 25 16.7356 Mile
Total 1416.69 Mile 100 14.1669 Mile

Cycling 2011 8



I really do enjoy walking, but now that I’m healthy enough to run and bike more it’s really not a tough decision to spend my time doing those instead of walking.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 64. Mile 19 3.36842 Mile
June 57.3 Mile 17 3.37059 Mile
July 14.5 Mile 7 2.07143 Mile
August 31.7 Mile 9 3.52222 Mile
Total 439.7 Mile 132 3.33106 Mile

Walking 2011 8

July 2011

Photo of the Day



Ready to run

I had a decent race to start the month, vacation, and a handful of 9-10 milers in brutal heat. The good news is that these slogs really paid off, as I’m handling the heat much better now.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
June 85.87 Mile 11 7.80636 Mile
July 49.47 Mile 7 7.06714 Mile
Total 357.067 Mile 54 6.61235 Mile

Running 2011 7


What are we waiting on?

I’m not getting out of the house as frequently as usual (fewer short rides), but I’ve been ramping up the longer rides for the first time this year. I’ve been racing the practice crit at Carondelet Park almost every week, gradually improving.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 16.2 Mile 2 8.1 Mile
Pocket Rocket 11.76 Mile 1 11.76 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 241.57 Mile 8 30.1963 Mile
Total 269.53 Mile 11 24.5027 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
June 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile
July 269.53 Mile 11 24.5027 Mile
Total 961.06 Mile 74 12.9873 Mile

Cycling 2011 7


Stream crossing

Again, less total distance here, but a bit more quality with some hiking in place of the usual treks to daycare.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 64. Mile 19 3.36842 Mile
June 57.3 Mile 17 3.37059 Mile
July 14.5 Mile 7 2.07143 Mile
Total 408. Mile 123 3.31707 Mile

Walking 2011 7

June 2011

Photo of the Day

FlickrCalendar 1


Elite Mens Mile

I ran pretty well in June, despite the daily 90˚F+ heat and ridiculous humidity of St. Louis. In previous months I had no problems running my morning 9-10 mile loop without drinking anything, but that’s simply no longer possible… I have to stop, usually multiple times, for water. Also, now that Will is spending fewer days at daycare, I’ve moved one of my three weekly runs to the evening after he’s gone to bed and the temperature has cooled (slightly). Mainly it’s the blazing sun that gets me.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
June 85.87 Mile 11 7.80636 Mile
Total 307.597 Mile 47 6.54461 Mile

Running 2011 6


Something smooth

After taking it easy on my recovering knee for a few weeks I started adding some intensity to my bike training. And when that went okay I started racing again after over a year off. I’ve done the tuesday night crits at Carondelet Park four times now, each week showing gradual improvement (25th, 23rd, 13th, 11th). Statistically speaking, it’s just a matter of time before I win one, right?

My first race scared the hell out of me. Every lap I lost 5-10 places rounding the fast 35mph downhill corner. The good news is that I was easily able to make up that deficit and more going back up the hill. After a few more races I’m now holding my position there while still moving up when I want. This past week I felt really strong on the last lap for the first time, I just hesitated a bit too long before making the final jump. I’ll judge it better next time.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 60.3 Mile 10 6.03 Mile
Big Red 4.4 Mile 1 4.4 Mile
Pocket Rocket 29.85 Mile 3 9.95 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 249.47 Mile 12 20.7892 Mile
Total 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
June 344.02 Mile 26 13.2315 Mile
Total 691.53 Mile 63 10.9767 Mile

Cycling 2011 6


Full charge

Slightly lower numbers here now that I’m not walking Will to and/or from daycare every day. I still try to get out and stretch my legs with low impact walking on a regular basis. Will loves to walk.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 64. Mile 19 3.36842 Mile
June 57.3 Mile 17 3.37059 Mile
Total 393.5 Mile 116 3.39224 Mile

Walking 2011 6


Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 0 0 0
February 0 0 0
March 0 0 0
April 0 0 0
May 0 0 0
June 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
Total 3 Mile 1 3. Mile

May 2011

Photo of the Day

FlickrCalendar 1



Running has been going well. I have 2-3 good training runs per week and I even finished the month off with my first race in half a year, the U City Memorial Day 5k.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
May 71.9569 Mile 10 7.19569 Mile
Total 221.727 Mile 36 6.15908 Mile

Running 2011 5


Guess who’s back on the bike.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 50.6 Mile 11 4.6 Mile
Big Red 29.75 Mile 3 9.91667 Mile
Pocket Rocket 58.04 Mile 6 9.67333 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 134.55 Mile 5 26.91 Mile
Total 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
April 36.25 Mile 7 5.17857 Mile
May 272.94 Mile 25 10.9176 Mile
Total 347.51 Mile 37 9.39216 Mile

Cycling 2011 5


Hiking the Chubb Trail

More cycling equals less walking, but I’m still getting out and stretching my legs on most days.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
May 60.4 Mile 18 3.35556 Mile
Total 332.6 Mile 98 3.39388 Mile

Walking 2011 5

April 2011

Photo of the Day

April 2011


I had a minor setback involving a few weeks off from running after a foolish 14-miler with a lot of pain in the last two miles. Now I’m back at it and running pain free again.

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 13.54 Mile 3 4.51333 Mile
February 33.47 Mile 7 4.78143 Mile
March 71.64 Mile 10 7.164 Mile
April 31.12 Mile 6 5.18667 Mile
Total 149.77 Mile 26 5.76038 Mile

Running 2011 4


After nearly two months off the bike I can now ride again without knee pain. I ride Will to daycare a few times per week and we sometimes ride the tandem (Big Red) to the playground on the weekends.

Bike Distance # Rides Avg per Ride
Bianchi 11.4 Mile 3 3.8 Mile
Big Red 10.6 Mile 2 5.3 Mile
Thundercougarfalconbird 9.75 Mile 1 9.75 Mile
Total 31.75 Mile 6 5.29167 Mile

Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 35.32 Mile 4 8.83 Mile
February 0 0 0
March 3 Mile 1 3. Mile
April 31.75 Mile 6 5.29167 Mile
Total 70.07 Mile 11 6.37 Mile

Cycling 2011 4


We still walk either to or from daycare almost everyday.


Month Distance # Workouts Avg per Workout
January 56.9 Mile 16 3.55625 Mile
February 47.6 Mile 14 3.4 Mile
March 83.4 Mile 24 3.475 Mile
April 84.3 Mile 26 3.24231 Mile
Total 272.2 Mile 80 3.4025 Mile

Walking 2011 4